Hi there
The Calm Sea Co. was birthed out of a place of passion, drive, and a desire to help others. We are sisters-in-law and we have both had our own mental health journeys! We decided to create an apparel brand that would bring awareness and support to those seeking mental wellness. Calm Sea Co. desires that those who are experiencing mental suffering would be reminded that Jesus is our hope, our peace, and our answer to all of life's un-answerable questions! When we struggle with mental wellness, our first instinct is to isolate, thinking that no one else could understand. Thinking that you have to be ashamed of your struggles. This is NOT the truth! Our desire is that the Calm Sea Co. would be a stepping stone to help guide people to Jesus' feet and to be a reminder that you are not alone in this journey or in life!
You are one of us! Welcome to the family!
Want to know more about our stories? See below!